Have some Flickr fun and discover some Flickr mashups & 3rd party sites. . .
by tosca on Friday, July 11, 2008
Hola! I had a tutu with all of the sites listed on our tutorial for this session. Flickr Color Pick was kinda kewl, with some spectacular images matching whatever colour I chose to find public Flickr photos by. Montagr was nice and easy to use - it really is as easy as it looks. Simply enter a keyword (I used sunflowers 'cause they're my fav flower), press enter and some pretty gosh darn wicked photo mosaics came up. Then played in Tagnautica and a few other mashups etc.As a laugh (remember, I possess a juvenile sense of humour) decided to use my profile image to create a Librarian Trading Card AND a movie poster. And heck no, I did not upload either of those to Flickr - decided to make a mock-up of 'em both and then post 'em here - which is where I hope to God they'll stay! My movie is called 'Confessions of a dangerous mime' (taken from a funny site about misheard movie titles by students of conversational English) from Top 10 Movie Titles And I have to admit to briefly toying with the idea of making my movie poster 'The Umpire Strikes Back' or even 'Oh Brothel, Where Art Thou?' LOL Precious! My movie tagline 'No mercy. No shame. No sequel!' is taken from 'Scary Movie' and the next tagline 'The funniest movie you ever sawed' is from 'Scary Movie 4'. And yes, I've seen 'em all! I found 'em on dvdactive's your favourite movie taglines/slogans forum. HA!