Did you know that Manukau Libraries now has RSS feeds for its new titles lists? I didn't! Kelly pointed it out this afternoon so, to have a looksee, I have subscribed to the new Adventure fiction titles and it is situated to the left *points left* Ha! How's that??
Will probably pepper them throughout this blog (along the left hand side, obviously), although may need to move/delete some stuff 'cause it's looking pretty crowded there. They're simple enough to find and subscribe to.
Have since updated my Bloglines info to reflect the addition of Manukau Libraries' new rss feeds feature. Ha!
Have also added a LibraryThing page element with the bookcovers from my bookshelf. You have to decide what kind of display you want for your LibraryThing bookshelf and then get the HTML code to paste into your blog (part of the 'Add page element' options under 'Customize').
As an aside, I checked out Shining Stars1's blog and saw a posting about an image generator she used called 'Perfect Phone'. Apparently every person has a perfect phone for them and to find out what it is you simply enter your name and click 'Find out'. So I did - and it turns out my perfect phone is, literally, a CELL phone *points left* you can see it there! Rude dude!
Over and out . . .
- 2 comments • Category: bloglines, learning 2.0, LibraryThing, Manukau Libraries, new books, phonerator, RSS feeds, web 2.0
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Your perfect phone is really great. I will not say anything after that.
by stars on July 19, 2008 at 10:14 AM. #
Choose a cell phone pic and write text into the image @ www.SignGenerator.org... They are another kind of image generators.
by Nice Guy on July 21, 2008 at 12:42 AM. #