...is rarely dusty.'
~ Author unknown.
The quote accompanying this post is true, I would say. Casting my mind back to school friend's who'd managed to locate their parents' stash of Penthouse magazines and brought them along to show the rest of it, equally as true for parents and their kids ;) But what if the book has a funny or silly title or cover? Is it likely to stay dusty then? Or does it fall under the point and laugh category? Like some men I know.Was scouring Manurewa Library's book shelves on Wednesday for giggly/silly romance book covers - it's my way of de-stressing. Found a few and then, by happy accident, was playing on the interwebs and found a very irreverent site - The Wonderful World of Longmire : the Internet's Leader in Wasted Pixels - that does it better than I ever could!
Longmire bought some romance novels and decided to 'reimagine' the covers. The results are nothing short of hilarious :) My fav (and geez was it hard to pick just one) is this one posted here. I remember back in the 90s I used to watch European MTV and they often said NZ was the land of mullets, so maybe this evokes good memories/music :) Take a looksee at some of Longmire's other book covers. I'm pretty sure we'll never see these particular titles on our library shelves. Here's my gem from our shelves, although it's more for the title than the cover. Did you know that you can buy an island and get a woman thrown in for free? But wait! There's more! For $9.95 you can get a steak knife, too :)
I'm not sure who got stiffed (so to speak) in the purchase - the self-made billionaire hellbent on revenge, or the woman who vows to fight him with all of her strength. Needless to say, this is on my request list, now, too.
That's it from me. Told my siblings I want a t-shirt for my birthday that reads: #CaptainJack - O Captain, My Captain! Their response was: Dork. Pfft. In a pinch I'd settle for one that reads: WHISKEY. TANGO. FOXTROT ;)