...again and again.'
~ Garrison Keillor
I don't know about anyone else but I always judge a book by its cover - adventure, suspense, kids, teens, romance, graphic novels, audiobooks, large print (although those are sometimes in a class of they're own because there's something truly awful about most of those covers). Whatever part of the collection they come from they have about 3 seconds to grab my attention. Having said that, I don't want them to be too obvious. Like...hmm...some Mills & Boon covers are too obvious. Not to mention that some of the poses look 1) sexually intimidating or 2) uncomfortable or 3) unnatural - what man looms over a pregnant woman against the railing of a yacht looking like he wants to hit her and hit on her at one and the same time, I mean, seriously. Really? No.
So, how does any of this fit into my book cover of the week post? I popped into the library this afternoon to pick up a few holds (had to wrench myself away from a marathon re-watch of Torchwood season 1) and thought I'd mooch around looking at covers. See which one gave me the giggles. Didn't find anything. Not one. Got back home and was playing online - you know, that 6 degrees of separation works like a dream on the interwebs - and came across the gem below. And a sparkling, little geegaw it is, too :) We do not have this book in our branches but oh my how I wish we did. I would read it for that cover alone. And so, I want to know:
* If a 'book is a gift you can open and again,' is it still a gift if it looks anything like this one?
* Or is it a curse?
* And if you do ever open it again, is it just to get the cover out of your mind?
* And WTF is up with his hair?!Reaction:
I can't get past the TITLE of the book! I mean, what does it mean!?! Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
by bobinrob on May 23, 2010 at 11:07 AM. #
According to a Literary Times review in Amazon, the heroine goes on what she thinks is an old west excursion visiting a ghost town when suddenly she's in the middle of a gun fight being nabbed by the Reklaw brothers. The brothers think they are taking home a 'woman to enjoy.' That - that bit doesn't sound good, actually. But when they get her there their ma decides it's time to change their thieving ways and so she decides to hold a competition where the winner wins umm the heroine LOL Oy. WTF? So oohh she was bushwhacked/kidnapped.
Now I want to read it more. This is book 2. The 1st one is 'Bushwhacked groom.' That cover is truly a gem as well. For a woman who's just shot a gun in front of him (while wearing her nightgown) he looks remarkably calm o_O
by tosca on May 23, 2010 at 11:55 AM. #
I think he likes what he sees. : o
by bobinrob on May 23, 2010 at 2:29 PM. #
The gun is rather phallic (or is that just me?). And also, she's blowing on it. Is it meant to look suggestive? I'd love to know where she shot the bullet. How the hell is that for bedroom games eek.
by tosca on May 23, 2010 at 4:14 PM. #