...It's an odd candy store, obviously...'
~ Jake Gyllenhaal
Our new catalogue is an odd candy store indeed and these days I find myself stuck for choice for interesting titles/covers, 'cause wow have I found some great ones since 1st Nov 2010! I'm not going to make any judgement calls about the selection below. In fact, I'll say nothing other than they caught my eye. This is a List of 5 (not a Top 5 because I'm sure I'll find more by this time next week) of books I found while cruising our catalogue. Honestly? There was no system to how I found them. I just did. And all of them I'm going to request purely out of interest/curiosity. All items are requestable via the Auckland Libraries catalogue :)
How to shit in the woods: an environmentally sound approach to a lost art by Kathleen Meyer
This updated edition provides a guide to the art of "going" out-of-doors. It deals with the whens, wheres, how, and what-nows, with chapters such as "Anatomy of a crap" and "For women only: How not to pee in your boots". It includes information on how to take waste home, for rock climbers, kayakers and others dealing with rock-hard and fragile ecosystems, and is illustrated by black and white drawings. [Amazon.co.uk]
[Image courtesy of GoodReads.com]
Get your tongue out of my mouth, I'm kissing you goodbye by Cynthia Heimel
Cynthia Heimel turns her attention to Hollywood and the LA riots. She explains sexual harassment and why she would rather be a lesbian. She tears the men's movement to shreds - kindly and sincerely. And, of course, there are the anecdotes, observations and advice on love, sex and dating.
[Image courtesy of GoodReads.com]
If you want closure in your relationship, start with your legs : a guide to understanding men by Big Boom
This guide will show women not only how to find true love with Mr. Right, but also how to avoid Mr. Never-Gonna-Happen, Mr. Infidelity, and a variety of other Mr. Wrongs.
[Image courtesy of GoodReads.com]
Knitting with dog hair : a woof-to-warp guide to making hats, sweaters, mittens, and much more by Kendall Crolius and Anne Black Montgomery
Learn to recycle Rover into beautiful garments and accessories as the authors teach you this wacky new spin on an old craft. Knitting with Dog Hair is the definitive guide to putting on the dog!
[Image courtesy of GoodReads.com]
You'll never make love in this town again by Robin, Liza, Linda, and Tiffany as told to Jennie Louise Frankel, Terrie Maxine Frankel, and Joanne Parrent ; preface by Lois Lee ; editor's introduction by Joanne Parren
Wild, graphic, sometimes funny, ultimately sad -- this is the book that had Hollywood hiding behind closed doors and "no comment". Four beautiful young women tell the stories of the famous, the sexy, the rich, and the sadistic. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. [Amazon.com review]
[Image courtesy of GoodReads.com]
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