...and therefore sacred.'
~ Gunter Grass
This week I'd be happy if I could find a bad book nevermind a lifechanging one! My book mojo is broken. Or maybe I wasn't ready to be back reading, yet. I took a 6 week break because everything I tried was like so much white noise. Is my book mojo permanently broken? I'm not sure. I hope not. Ordinarily Monday is my 'on the shelf' post, which is just a basic rundown of what I'm reading/watching at the moment but I'm a total #fail in that respect this week. A few times I've tried to crack open a book and have gotten as far as the first chapter or the intro and then - nothing. No spark, no hook, no magic. I am a book-deadzone.
I am listening to an Overdrive audiobook, though, which is unusual for me. The whole cd audiobook experience, as I've blogged in the past, has left me either disillusioned or in hysterics. The use of curse words sounds so blunt I wince and then start giggling or the voice of the reader is so monotonous I zone out and, before I know, the book is over and I have NO idea what happened. Seriously. So what am I listening to? Louis L'Amour's 'Big country, volume 3' of course! I heart him. I think I'll check out Lonigan next time :)
I did try to get into Cooking for geeks : real science, great hacks, and good food by Jeff Potter but it resembled a science textbook so much it scared me and so I quickly shut it and left it on the holds shelf where it will probably sit until my hold expires. I'm a bad book borrower like that o_O
While I'm not reading anything myself, I have seen firsthand that this is not a problem the rest of the city is experiencing. I read somewhere that since Nov 1st something like 21,000 requests were processed for Auckland Libraries customers. How awesome (not to mention scary) is that? That whole '1 city. 55 libraries. All yours' is being taken seriously and is working. Yay. Although I do sympathise with our very tired-looking staff eep. I'm glad that our customers have not lost their book mojo but...you know 'How Stella got her groove back'? Well, when do I get mine back...?
- One comment • Category: monday, on the shelf, what I'm reading, wtfery
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I feel your pain. I, too, have lost my book mojo...
And - on Monday - I have to act all knowledgeable on a judging panel... eep! Mojo may be broke - but I still have to read those 20+ kids/YA books by the meeting!
by Madhamster on November 16, 2010 at 5:38 PM. #